Monday, 3 January 2011

Damascus, Syria

 I went to Damascus to visit a friend. I had never been to any of the Middle East countries. It was a real change. I found it so refreshing to be in a country which is still wild. The Syrians are such generous  people and take such good care of you . Especially that they have been through a lot ... It's a real shame that people have such bad prejudice of the Middle East countries. It 's an exceptional part of the world.

Je suis allée à Damas pour voir un ami. C'était l’occasion parfaite pour découvrir le Moyen Orient.  Damas à été une tout autre expérience pour moi. Je ne m’étais jamais rendue dans un pays ou tout est encore sauvage. Cette expérience a été très enrichissante pour moi, elle m'a ouverte les yeux. J'ai aussi adoré l’accueil chaleureux des Syriens. Ce sont des gens qui ont énormément souffert par le passé et pourtant ils restent généreux et attentionnés. Je trouve ça dommage que les gens aient encore autant de préjugés sur le Moyen Orient. Ils ratent quelque chose car c'est un véritable trésor. 


  1. Congratulations darling, your first live blog!! Have fun!

  2. Fantastic shots Ella. I came to visit on your Mums recommendation, but, I shall come back because your shots are terrific. Welcome to blogland, I hope you find it as wonderful a place as I do.

  3. Hi, Ella. You have a wonderful "eye". Enjoy your adventures, what a great opportunity. Traveling is so enlightening, isn't it? We were in Italy and Turkey in the fall...loved Istanbul.

  4. Just came from your Mum's blog. Love your shots -just keep them coming.
    Pam x

  5. I think you have a very good eye for composition....and to be composition is 90%. There has to be balance and depth and rhythmn and you capture these well.

    I particularly love the shots of Damascus, which is quite foreign to me.

  6. Hi Ella,
    It is so wonderful to see your new blog!!
    Photo journalism is a fantastic career to choose and it looks like you have a fabulous eye.

    My daughter Bec (Rebecca) has also just started a new blog and she is enjoying it so much. Have a look, I know she will be excited to get a new visitor I will tell her to also visit you.

    Wishing you lots of fun and happiness while you blog your photos and ideas and I look forward to following you, as much as I enjoy following your Mum.

    xx Coty

  7. Hello Ella , love the photo of the washing in Nice - well done you.

  8. Wahou, tes photos sont juste sublimes ! Moi qui adore voyager, ça donne envie d'y aller . tes photos vendent du rêve et le texte les valorise encore plus, bravo !
